Friday, March 2, 2007

He looks like an owl...

A few nights ago John McCain (one of the three frontrunners for the Republican presidential nomination) officially announced his canidacy over network tv. This was very interesting to me, because he did it while on the Late Show with David Letterman. Yes I know it's sad, but I watch that almost every day. Anyway, David Letterman used to have this fascination with a guy you might know named Larry King, and the "fact" that he "looks like an owl". Interesting comparison. Larry King has a talk show of his own, of course, and a week or two ago he had the unique opportunity of having Rudy Giuliani announce his own canidacy for the same position on Larry King Live. Rudy will, of course, be running against John McCain. And so we run full circle. (Sorry Mitt, you don't fit in here). Now, of course, I'm sure that this doesn't imply any sort of formal support of the canidates from these different talk shows. It was just interesting to see how things connect.

Would you say that the David Letterman fan base is different from Larry King's? It seems to me that Dave has a show that's basically "pop-culture" centered, whereas Larry's is for old people who want dry facts. Will this affect voters at all? John might be running the risk of making a mockery of his campaign, but while doing so, he's going out of his way to appeal to a larger audience. Rudy seems to be playing it safe. It'll be interesting to see how it plays out.


Clark said...

I suppose this is all true, but it's not as though either man made some sort of shocking announcement on either show. We've known that they'd both be running for weeks or months (years in the case of McCain?) The election is still a year and a half away.

Sabrina said...

I have to say I prefer Jay Leno to David Letterman. I've never heard a top 10 list that is nearly as funny as Jay's headlines or Jaywalking. Anyway, as Clark alluded to, I find it kind of stupid that the candidates make such a big deal about announcing their candidacy when they've made it known for months, be it on Dave Letterman, Larry King or wherever.

Shanny said...

I have to disagree with Sabrina, I prefer Letterman to Leno. I do think that the headlines and Jaywalking are hilarious, but those are the only part of his show that I find so funny. Of course, I don't watch either one much these days. Anyway, yeah, kind of ridiculous that they "announce their candidacy" on talk shows when everybody already knew. Kind of like a woman who is 8 months pregnant finally announcing it.