Monday, March 19, 2007


Well I did it. I survived my first semester back to school all the way up to spring break. Granted, school's not likely to get any easier between now and the end of the semester. But I've been on top of things so far, and if that lasts a whole semester, it's fairly likely to last another 5 or 6.

As I said, today begins Spring Break. And I'm really not sure what to do with myself. Amanda had her break last week, so yeah, that worked out just perfectly. (sarcasm?). I could study all week and pretend it's not a break at all. Good thing my TV's not on spring break I suppose.

We visited my in-laws in their new Houston house this past weekend. It was a nice little trip. They now live about five minutes away from the Houston Temple. That might be useful whenever Amanda and I get around to redoing our wedding pictures.

Let me explain that for a second. (Sung to "Alice and Wonderland"'s Walrus and Carpenter song) "The sun was shining on to us, shining with all its might. We did our very best to keep our eyes all wide and bright. But this did fail because, you see..... the light was so dang bright!" Basically, we're all squinting really bad in our otherwise great looking pictures. So we decided on a redo.

Tonight's our Josh Groban concert. We're pretty excited. I'll let you know how it goes tomorrow.

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