Friday, March 16, 2007


So, Texas is weird. This hasn't happened to me yet (and I hope it never will, but I know it probably will), but various classes here at UNT require you to buy your own scantrons before you take a test. If you don't have one, well, tough luck I suppose. I ran into a guy this morning on my way to my poly sci class who was all panicky because the bookstore wasn't open yet and he needed a scantron. How mean can professors be, really? Don't they have a budget for this stuff? Then again, one could make a business off of having 200 scantrons available on testday.....

Amanda and I finished season 5 of "24" yesterday, meaning we don't have any more to watch (that's out on dvd). It's a bit of a dissapointment, because I want to continue watching (season 5 did NOT end well), but the show's on at the same time as my other favorite show, Heroes. Conflict? Not really. I'm too addicted to my Heroes.

For those of you who don't watch Heroes, I implore you to start. If you can see past the occasional copy-cating, it's really a very good show.

Lastly, allow me to comment on this season's "The Amazing Race". I have to say that I don't really have a favorite team. They picked the wrong teams to come back, and it's really making me not like this season very much. The producers (I guess) did it because these are the teams that cause controversy and get viewers. I think controversy makes me less likely to view really. They should have hired me to pick the returning teams.

1 comment:

Shanny said...

Bring your own scantron? That's insane! Anything to make a buck, I guess.