Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Monday evening Amanda and I had the opportunity to attend a concert put on by Josh Groban. I'll just assume you're a member of the human race and know who that is. Admittedly, he doesn't have a huge male fan base, and Amanda gave me a hard time for liking some of his stuff, but I'm not really concerned about it. I really like seeing live performances, because you're able to see the singer talking and making jokes and telling stories and things. I think Josh is a little younger than me. One funny thing that he did was after each song he sounded like an Elvis Presley wanna-be while expressing his appreciation for the applause.

So we get to the concert 45 minutes early, call everyone we know on the cell phone (takes about 20 minutes), wait around for the concert to start (starts 10 minutes late), and then the opener comes. Some African lady with her band. Singing stuff I didn't even remotely recognize. It was pretty boring. And she kept singing, and singing, and singing, and another song, and one more, and "okay just 2 more songs", and then everyone in the arena is getting frustrated and begin chanting "josh josh josh josh". After her there was about another 15 minute set-up time for Josh and his people. So, overall, I'd say almost 2 hours pass between the time we get there and the time he sings his first note. Speaking of, it was pretty funny to see how he entered. First you hear the singing and everyone starts to scream and stuff, and the curtain comes up, and you see his band, but where's Josh? You still hear his singing while he levitates up out of the stage. Pretty funny. Overall, I very much enjoyed it.

So, for an abreviated American Idol report, Sanjaya is a scary scary (man?), black girls are overrated, Phil will be dead in 3 weeks due to a terminal case of leukemia, Chris. S. knocks off Taylor Hicks, and Haley turns around almost 180 degrees. Most likely to get voted off tonight? Random crying girl.


Sabrina said...

Josh Groban is really younger than you? That means he's younger than me! I guess I always though he was a little older. That must be because he sings more mature-type songs.

Shanny said...

It's sad to me that you are a non blogger these days, particularly because you aren't online much these days. But then again, now that AI is over, what on earth would you blog about?