Friday, February 23, 2007

Unauthorized Access

If your last name doesn't consist of only one letter, you might not know who this is, but at the same time, are probably not really as interested in that as you are in reading some sort of witty remarks written by a complete stranger. I, for one, have always enjoyed reading a random blog and scouring it for random bits of humor.

So I'm sitting here at school, having a VERY hard time finding things to do between classes. Unfortunately, I was unable to avoid having a great big two hour break in between classes. Study, you say? Yeah, more like read, browse the bookstore, dink around on the computers, walk around aimlessly, read the newspaper, doze off, read more, and find out that I still have an hour until my class starts. This will not happen again next semester.

It occured to me yesterday that Amanda and I probably watch entirely too much TV. You know you have a problem if you remember what day it is by what's on. You know you have a really BIG problem if, besides that, you still have to check out various seasons of shows from the library and speed through them at an alarming rate.

Speaking of TV, I found out something I never knew yesterday. When something on the TV says 8/7C it does NOT mean 6M/5P. This may seem obvious to some, but somehow it escaped me. If the powers-that-be don't want shows to be pushed out of prime-time on the western portion of our country, why don't they just put it at 8 pm across the board? By making the show begin an hour earlier in central than in eastern, they are creating a false pattern. I'll begin lobbying for legislation prohibiting this widespread lie.

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